Aire - Foundation
Nursery and Reception.
This half term our topic for Nursery and Reception is ‘Celebrations’. We will be talking and finding out about different celebrations such as Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas. We started this week with the Halloween – the children looked fantastic dressed in their costumes. We will be doing lots of activities including making diva pots, blow painting fireworks and making mince pies.
Nursery will continue to do lots of activities to help develop their fine and gross motor skills- pre-skills for writing. They will also continue their key worker group each day where they will be developing their listening and taking turns skills and learning about their feelings. In singing we will be starting to learn our Christmas songs ready to share with our grown-ups in December.
All the staff and children are enjoying seeing the learning and activities the children are doing at home. Please continue to share these on Tapestry as the children really do enjoying talking about what they have been doing.
In English we will be reading different books linked to celebrations including, ‘What’s in the Witch’s Kitchen’ and ‘Elmer’. We will then use these books to help us write lists and labels. During phonics lessons we will continue to learn new letter sounds and use these to help us segment and blend new words. I’m sure we will also have a few more visits from Tricky Troll, bringing us new tricky words to learn! In Maths we will be finding out about 2D shapes and looking at how many sides they have. We will also look at the numbers 4 and 5 in more detail and we will be learning to use different language linked to time to help us order key events in our daily routines. Keep an eye on Tapestry so you can see some of the challenges your children have been doing. Please share any activities you are doing at home too – we would love to see them!
Please continue to read at home with your child daily and practise new tricky words. Can we be the reading winners again this half term? If you have any questions please send us a message on Dojo or speak to an adult on the door. Thank you for your continued support.