Nile - Year One
We are looking forward to an exciting second half to the Autumn Term. Our focus will remain developing basic reading, writing and maths skills through a range of exciting and interesting activities.
We will be reading The Fox and the Star by Coralie Bickford-Smith and this will stimulate our writing and artwork. (It is a beautiful book - do investigate it and share the story together at home!)
As part of our ongoing Science work we will be further developing our knowledge of woodland animals, plants and trees and be sorting them in different ways.
We hope to have a Woodland Survival Day in the school grounds at the end of November. We will build dens together, cook over a fire, cloud watch and generally have muddy fun outdoors!! I will contact you with more details nearer to the time.
Please keep reading at home as often as you can and encourage your child to develop their maths skills on Maths' Seeds.
Thanks again for your continued support.