Amazon - Year Five
This half-term we will continue our topic ‘How has trade changed in the UK and USA?’. We will move on to learn more about inspirational people who were linked to the abolition of the slave trade such as William Wilberforce and Harriet Tubman. In art and DT, we will be looking at ‘underground railroad quilts’ making quilt collages and also sewing a class quilt. In science, we will continue studying changing materials and their properties completing more experiments and presenting our findings in different ways.
In RE, we will be studying ‘How Sikhi show commitment to their beliefs’. In PSHE, we will be studying MindMate (family and friends- what are healthy and unhealthy relationships) and Keeping Safe and Managing Risk (when things go wrong). In PE, we will be working on our social skills (co-operating, giving sensitive feedback and making sure everyone has a role). Please make sure your child bring trainers to school if they are wearing boots/wellies so that they have the correct footwear for PE.
· Homework is set on Mondays and is based online. Pupils should complete: Mathletics tasks; Spelling Shed spelling tasks; one Edshed Grammar Quiz and three TTrockstars games.
· Please encourage your child to read at home every night and complete their ‘I wonder’ question about what they have read so far.