Zambezi - Year Four
This half term we will be continuing our ‘Water’ topic. We will be finding out about the water cycle and about flooding, drought and tsunamis. We will also find out about different climate zones and it affects rainfall and also how some countries have more access to water than others. We will be creating some water and wave artwork.
In Science, we will be continuing our learning about solids, liquids and gases. We will be investigating melting and freezing and how different materials have different melting points.
In maths we begin by working on adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers using column addition and subtraction. We will also continue to practise times tables daily.
We will be reading some picture books in class related water. We will write our own sentences to match the beautiful illustrations in ‘The River’ and we will be writing our own stories to the book ‘Flood’ which has no text in it.
We will have a spelling session in class every day and our test will be on a Monday.
In PSHE we will be learning about ‘Playing Safe’ and our MindMate topic is ‘Friends and Family.’
In RE we will be learning about festivals of light and celebrations.
Mrs Drinkall will continue to teach Spanish on a Friday.
Zambezi will continue their swimming lessons on a Wednesday up until Christmas.