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Naburn Road
Whinmoor, Leeds, LS14 2BL
United Kingdom

0113 2930280

White Laith Primary School is situated within Whinmoor in Leeds. Children and adults work together in an atmosphere of trust, respect and belonging. We aim to treat everyone with equal dignity and worth valuing their particular characteristics. The Staff and Governors are determined to make our school a place of excellence and the children
share that desire.

Halloween General Safety Advice

School Blog

Halloween General Safety Advice

Rebecca Drinkall


Your local Neighbourhood Policing Team would like everyone to enjoy the festivities over Halloween, but we need to be considerate to those in the community who may be vulnerable and wish to avoid trick or treaters.

We have therefore put together some advice and created a poster which can be printed, that you can display or pass to an elderly or vulnerable relative.

Parents should take responsibility for their children's behaviour - know where they are at all times, and follow a few key dos and don'ts.


·         Only trick or treat in your own neighbourhood unless you are with an adult

·         Stay in well lit areas where there are plenty of houses

·         Make sure an adult knows the area you plan to visit and what time you'll be back

·         Look out for 'no callers please' posters and respect your neighbours

·         Keep to pavements and trick or treat on one side of the street before crossing safely to the other side - don't criss-cross

·         Wait to eat any treats until you get home so that an adult can check them


·         Don't cut through back alleys, ginnels or fields, and don't trick or treat too far from home

·         Don't go alone - take an adult with you or stay in a group

For more information and to download the poster visit: