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Naburn Road
Whinmoor, Leeds, LS14 2BL
United Kingdom

0113 2930280

White Laith Primary School is situated within Whinmoor in Leeds. Children and adults work together in an atmosphere of trust, respect and belonging. We aim to treat everyone with equal dignity and worth valuing their particular characteristics. The Staff and Governors are determined to make our school a place of excellence and the children
share that desire.

Computing in Yr4

School Blog

Computing in Yr4

Michael Sheerin

Christmas Games. The children have been planning, designing and creating a Christmas theme platform game. To do this they used 2DIY3d, a Purple Mash tool.

There is quite a lot involved in creating a computer game which is not too hard or too easy and will keep the user interested. First the children played examples of different types of platform games created by Mr Sheerin and discussed the features such as the aim, how you lose, length, lives, use of obstacles and graphic design . Next they made changes to features to make the games easier or harder, this was how they began to understand how the game was created. Then they learnt how to make their own maze and change graphics to add a Christmas theme. Finally they wrote and added instructions before putting it to the test, making changes to improve its play-ability. Some games had three levels?

When they were finished the children in Yr2 where invited into the ICT Suite to play the Christmas games.

Click button below to go to Purple Mash and try out some of the games