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Naburn Road
Whinmoor, Leeds, LS14 2BL
United Kingdom

0113 2930280

White Laith Primary School is situated within Whinmoor in Leeds. Children and adults work together in an atmosphere of trust, respect and belonging. We aim to treat everyone with equal dignity and worth valuing their particular characteristics. The Staff and Governors are determined to make our school a place of excellence and the children
share that desire.

Mother's Day Daffodils

School Blog

Mother's Day Daffodils

Nicola Sheerin

Year 2 went to Tesco to give out gifts of daffodils to ladies who were shopping. We greeted the ladies as they came into the store with a smile and a "Happy Mother's Day." They were very surprised and we certainly cheered up a lot of people.

It really showed us that we have the power to cheer others up by showing small acts of kindness and not expecting anything in return - it makes us feel good too!

One lady wrote to us and sent us this poem.

                                      For every flower has something to give

                                     Or it may be just something to share,

                                      It may not be much, but may mean a great deal

                                      to someone, sometime, somewhere. 


Here are some of the messages we have received!

Dear Headteacher
On visiting Tesco this morning one of your pupils approached me to wish me a happy Mothers Day and hand me a daffodil.
I just wanted to thank you for this very touching gesture which absolutely made my day.    All the young children there looked so smart in their uniforms and were very well behaved;  a credit both to their parents and to the school.
A lovely start to the day please thank everyone involved.   
My young man was lucky to escape a big hug from an elderly lady - I resisted with difficulty.

Just wanted to pass on my thanks to the young children handing out daffodils this lunch time in Tesco’s at Seacroft they are a credit to your school and brightened up my day after a long week.Regards and again thank you for a lovely gesture, Maria. 

Thankyou for the lovely flower presented by your children at Tesco this morning, it was a lovely thing to do and very much appreciated. You should be very proud of your school. Regards, Angela

I have just been shopping in Tesco (Seacroft) and wanted to send a message to the school to say how lovely it was to receive a daffodil for Mother's Day. The children smiled so beautifully and were so enthusiastic it could only brighten your day. What a wonderful positive message to send and encourage your children to do.
Thanks so much

Thank you – it’s made my day!

I work in a school and want to say what a lovely thing to do – thank you!

How lovely of your children to be handing out beautiful daffodils in celebration of Mother’s Day. It made my shopping a much happier experience. THANK YOU x Kind regards, Debbie 

I would like to thank you and your beautiful pupils, for the thoughtful gift of a daffodil, for Mother’s Day, that the pupils handed out at Tesco’s Seacroft, this morning, with a beautiful wish to have a Happy Mother's Day. I had just been to a hospital appointment, this young man cheered me up so much, with the gesture and wish that I have a happy Mother’s Day. Being mother to 6 and grandmother to 12, I have had Mother’s Day wishes for almost 50 years, but none have been as lovely as this one. Thank you to you and your pupils you made my day. Winnie 

Hello ,Please could you thank all the children handing out Daffodils for Mother's Day.It was a lovely surprise and made my day. Helen  

I would like to thank you for the daffodil I was given today. It made my day when the little boy ran up to me and said happy mothers day thank you once again x Brenda 

Just wanted to say how lovely it was to receive a daffodil from your pupils today for Mothers day. Such a simple gesture but left me smiling all day. Thankyou , April 

A big thank you for the daffodil I had presented to me as I walked into Tesco this morning. It was a lovely surprise. I am lucky enough to be a mum and a grandmother, but for anyone who has not had that privilege it would have brightened their day. I hope all your children have a lovely day on Sunday with their families. Sincerely, Gill