Computing in Year 4
Michael Sheerin
Finding the right information on the web can be more difficult than it looks. Year 4 have been learning how to searching safely using ‘Kiddle’.
Kiddle is a kid safe visual search engine. It returns results for each query with safe sites and pages written specifically for kids, handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors. Kiddle also has a safe image and video search, as well as an online encyclopedia - Kpedia.
Year 4 are searching information connected to their topic ‘water’. For example today they search for information and videos about glaciers and the water cycle. They understand the dangers you may come across on a web-page, even ones written for children. Pupils can recognise and avoid clicking advertisements, social media and email links.
Why not take a look at Kiddle yourself and encourage any junior digital researchers you know, to use Kiddle to search the web safely.